Ask EDN Question:
Balancing work and school is stressful. As a healthcare worker, I am constantly adapting. However as a nontraditional student, I feel judged by many in the Diaspora. I am almost done with my Bachelor’s, but will have to go to grad school. I feel as if I have to prove something every day. What is the remedy?
Dear Reader:
Balance is key in every area of life, but when we completely remove ourselves from our comfort zone, it’s easier said than done. Your mindset is the key to not only maintaining balance but keeping your head high above water. Knowing your goals and telling yourself that you are strong enough and smart enough to get there is much more important than the people that judge from afar not knowing your story or reason why.
After you’ve convinced yourself, act how you want to feel. Immerse yourself in the things connected to your goals whether it’s networking events, keeping your nose in the books, or best of all your work in practice. If you have several things on your plate or even just one, use a planner to help you stay organized. Write down every appointment even if it’s just one you have at the library. Reserve your time because it’s precious, and not knowing what you’re going to do with it often leads to it being wasted.
Write down even your smallest goals and when you accomplish them, celebrate! You worked hard, and you are one assignment, day, or challenge closer to where you want to be. Time may feel slow now but your future self will thank you for this, so push through, and stay strong!