Ask EDN Question Dear EDN, I think this one is for the ladies. I have a Masters, work for a start-up and I like my job but I’m not necessarily passionate about it. I find myself constantly feeling like I want to stop working or just stay at home. I’m married to a...
This month’s professional spotlight features Senai Andikiel. Senai is a program manager for the Department of Defense’s Legacy Resource Management Program. Read this month’s spotlight to learn more about Senai and his work. Could you briefly explain some of your...
Ask EDN Question Dear EDN, I recently started a new job and I’ve noticed that my Supervisor is stretched thin. I try to lean on my team to ask questions, but everyone’s schedule differs, so I end up having to figure things out on my own. My Supervisor...
This month’s professional spotlight features Andom Ghebreghiorgis. Andom is running for Congress in NY-16 (southern Westchester and North Bronx). Read this month’s spotlight to learn more about Andom and his campaign and run for Congress. Could you briefly explain...
Ask EDN Question Hi Eritrean Diaspora Network, I graduated from college with a bachelor degree in biology/health concentration. I knew the importance of networking, but living in a small town it was hard to find career opportunities that are available in bigger...
Ask EDN Question Dear EDN, I have a good paying job with great perks and promising growth potential; however, I have no passion for the work that I do, and have been finding it difficult to stay motivated. I have realized that Corporate America is not for me and that...