Does anyone actually like Valentine’s Day?

Whether you’re married to “The One” or find yourself as single as can be, Valentine’s Day can be just a huge let down. Couples often set high, unrealistic expectations, while single people are forced to celebrate something called “Singles Awareness Day.”

Since we figured the couples could deal with one another, we thought we would suggest some ways for our single people to cope on Single Awareness Day.  We are going to suggest both destructive and constructive means of coping, the caveat being sometimes you just need to be destructive.

1.     Destructive: Stay home, buy cheap wine/expensive wine/whiskey, get drunk, listen to Drake, call your Ex or that one you thought was the One but didn’t end up making plans with you for Valentines Day. WARNING:  You WILL REGRET this.

2.     Constructive: Get a bunch of your other single friends together, make dinner at home/go out, have some wine, and relish in your Singledom-you’re not alone/you’re not the only one.

3.     Destructive: Load up on Ben and Jerry’s or Hagen Daaz, dealers choice, chocolates, and don’t forget the wine. Get The Notebook-sit In the dark and cry your eyes out because you’ll never find love like Noah and Allie. WARNING: The Notebook is just a movie.

4.     Constructive: If you’re ready to end your Singledom, join a dating site, have your friends set you up, and go out there and mingle. To you we say Mazel Tov.  Starbucks and are willing to help you out. 

Listen. Lets be real. Valentines Day is a Hallmark Holiday. Love should be celebrated every Day. Love your significant other, family, friends, and most of all love yourself. If you’re single, take Valentines Day as an opportunity to treat yourself and be kind to yourself.  It’s crazy to feel alone in a world filled with so many people and experiences just waiting to steal our hearts. Disappointment and fear only gain the upper-hand when we start losing the ability to readily involve ourselves in love.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyday the 14th!