Dedicated to mobilizing Eritreans within the diaspora to develop innovative ways of improving our community.

Join UsSupport our work

We believe that building a strong Eritrean diaspora requires mobilizing around a nonpartisan community programming agenda.

Civic Engagement

Building the civic capacity of Eritreans in the U.S.

Professional Development

Harnessing our human capital by fostering mentorship and networking within our community.

Recent Arrival Support

Providing services and resources to newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers.

Professional Spotlight

November 2023 Professional Spotlight: Alexander Loul Syum

November 2023 Professional Spotlight: Alexander Loul Syum

This month’s professional spotlight features Alexander Loul Syum, Head Basketball Coach at Mt. Hood Community College and owner of Coach Loul LLC, a Sports Mental Skills & Performance Training Program ( Read on to learn more about Coach Loul’s path...

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EDN 2024-2025 Scholarship Sponsors

EDN 2024-2025 Scholarship Sponsors

We sincerely thank the different Eritrean business and foundation sponsors for their pivotal role in achievingour 2024-25 EDN Scholarship Fund fundraising goal. Their support was instrumental in being able to awardnine scholarships and changing the lives of Eritrean...

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